
I do not regret

Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

Moving to Austin at age 24 and 3/4 😁 from Brooklyn NY!

I was turning 25 on July 14th 2012. I hated the busy, crowded, nasty rat life of Brooklyn and wanted to live on my own. I know I would miss my family and friends and church family. I would miss the Caribbean food and ease and closeness of everything but I wanted more!! I wanted to start my adult life…so with much prayers, okay from my mama and very little savings I moved to Texas not knowing anyone in Austin!

God provided a church with some appointed members who embraced me and helped me in many ways. 12 years later,  I am grateful to see how much God kept me! Through the eviction notices 😁 bus stop crazies 😩 and not so cool jobs— the tears and slow progress– I am grateful!! Life in Texas is wonderful! (Life with Jesus anywhere is great but Central Texas is a country city, less busy, friendly and cleaner space which I prefer to NYC).

My only regret was quitting my job at Chase Bank about a month before moving! 🫣😂😂🤷🏾