
Questions From Women | Hope For Men


Helping with chores

Timothy washes his dishes after breakfast

I am teaching Timothy how to care for himself and his home. He is responsible for tidying his bedroom and we help him.

Now that he is taller and older (turns 7 on May 8th), he is enjoying learning how to do the dishes. He helps me with laundry by sorting clothes and putting or removing them from the dryer. He helps with dusting and wiping our leather couch. He sweeps and sometimes uses the vacumop.

I want to raise a young man with a sense of responsibility and stewardship over what he has and where he lives. I want his wife to be happy 😊 and I want him to know that helping is a part of giving God thanks for what he has been given!

Do you teach your children and allow them to help you around the house? They would be delighted to help and learn!!


I do not regret

Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

Moving to Austin at age 24 and 3/4 😁 from Brooklyn NY!

I was turning 25 on July 14th 2012. I hated the busy, crowded, nasty rat life of Brooklyn and wanted to live on my own. I know I would miss my family and friends and church family. I would miss the Caribbean food and ease and closeness of everything but I wanted more!! I wanted to start my adult life…so with much prayers, okay from my mama and very little savings I moved to Texas not knowing anyone in Austin!

God provided a church with some appointed members who embraced me and helped me in many ways. 12 years later,  I am grateful to see how much God kept me! Through the eviction notices 😁 bus stop crazies 😩 and not so cool jobs— the tears and slow progress– I am grateful!! Life in Texas is wonderful! (Life with Jesus anywhere is great but Central Texas is a country city, less busy, friendly and cleaner space which I prefer to NYC).

My only regret was quitting my job at Chase Bank about a month before moving! 🫣😂😂🤷🏾